The program is accredited to ICF. It covers all the core competencies recommended by ICF to start your coaching practice formally or professionally.
Yes, you will be an ICF certified coach after the completion of this program.
This program is the first step for your ACC credentials. After completion of modules 1 & 2 you will be an ICF accredited coach wherein you can start your coaching practice globally and it will also help you in building your profile for the ACC credentials from ICF.
The certification will help you to understand the structure and framework of coaching and the skills required to engage the coachee in a meaningful and impactful conversations. The certification gives you enough visibility in the market and opportunity to connect with reputed organisations for coaching assignments.
That would require some research at your end for understanding the program content and offerings. For example: Does the course meet the necessary criteria specified by ICF, the mode of training, duration of the program, facilitators profile, what kind of post program support you can expect, what arrangements are there to support your coach journey and your learning journey towards ICF etc. You may also find it helpful to connect with some references or Erickson graduates in your network to get better clarity.
Coaching is for anyone and everyone. You could be looking to set up a coaching practice, become a better manager or make a career shift.The program is highly recommended for those looking to get an ICF accreditation and looking to build a strong base and foundation for a thriving coaching career.
No, you would not feel the need of pursuing another certification to specialise in the chosen niche. However, it completely depends on the choices you make for yourself, our foundation program in coaching which is also accredited by ICF “The Art & Science of Coaching” provides you with extensive 8 days classroom training model which covers all the necessary tools and techniques and provides you enough depth to have powerful and tough conversations with your coaches irrespective of their industry and profession. Therefore, after the completion of the certification of the program you can pick and choose any niche in coaching based on your interest.
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